
Usage of Kyverno, the Kubernetes Policy Engine

Kyverno is an open source project from Nirmata that was donated to the CNCF. Kyverno is a Kubernetes policy engine with validation and mutation capabilities, but it also has the ability to generate resources and add API object querying capabilities. Kyverno was originally written for Kubernetes, and in addition to its object generation capabilities, it can write policies without a specialized language. Similarly, Kyverno runs as a dynamic admission controller in Kubernetes clusters.

Collecting Kubernetes Log Data with OpenTelemetry Collector

Previously we described how to collect metrics data from a Kubernetes cluster with the OpenTelemetry Collector, and next we’ll take a look at how to collect logging data from a cluster. Installing Loki First we need to deploy Loki to collect log data, again we’ll use Helm Chart for a quick deployment, but note that again we don’t need to deploy any log collectors as we’ll be using the OpenTelemetry Collector to collect the log data and then send it to Loki.

Collecting Kubernetes Metrics Data with OpenTelemetry Collector

Kubernetes has become a widely adopted industry tool, and the need for observability tools continues to grow. In response, OpenTelemetry has created a number of different tools to help Kubernetes users observe their clusters and services. Next we will start monitoring the Kubernetes cluster using OpenTelemetry and will focus on collecting metrics and logs from the Kubernetes cluster, nodes, pods, and containers and enabling the cluster to support services that emit OTLP data.